Useful contacts

The British Film Commission supports feature film and high-end television production, please get in touch with us in the first instance with any enquiries.

The following contacts may also be useful.

Useful contacts

National and regional screen agencies

The BFC works closely with the UK’s national and regional screen agencies to support film and TV production in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Creative England – Filming in England

Creative Wales

Film London

Northern Ireland Screen

Screen Scotland

Production directories

The following online production directories can be used to source locations, services, facilities and crew.


Find key personnel in the film and TV production industry, with constantly updated listings for thousands of top level companies and technicians.


Search for film, TV and commercial production services companies in 173 countries. Find everything from film commissions, locations services, film crew, camera equipment and studios.

The Knowledge

Find production suppliers from over 20,000 entries in 500 categories, and contact details for over 10,000 industry freelancers and company staffers.

The Location Guide

The Location Guide is a global production company directory and location filming directory providing filming-on-location news, a pre-production forum and film incentives information.
